Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ep 02: Establishing Trust

You've been patient, and we appreciate it. Here's your reward: the second episode of The Agile Coach, entitled "Establishing Trust."

In a little over 20 minutes, Skip and Michael explore how an Agile coach establishes trust with those she or he is trying to help...and what can happen when that trust is lost. We tell stories of our successes and a few failures to illustrate the point...and we barely scratch the surface of the subject. You can expect future episodes on different dimensions of trust.

Getting out the second episode of the podcast (the first one with real content), was trickier than we thought. Some unexpected travel forced us to try a "double-ender," where the two of us, separated by 3,272 miles yet joined by the Internets, each record our own high-quality audio while watching and listening to each other using Skype. To our astonishment, it worked, although not without a few complications and a bit of variable audio quality. We're learning, and we expect that not distance, nor rain, nor snow, nor gloom of night will stay this podcast from its appointed schedule in the future.

Let us know what you think, because that's what makes all this work.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for creating this podcast. I work as an Agile coach, the last year I have had the privilege to do this full time. Much of what you are telling are exactly the same things I have been experiencing and thinking about. You guys ensured me that I was on the right track and provided some great tips also.
